Grant Funded Projects

We work with many wonderful charities and trusts to bring our Nutritional Ninjas classes to children who may not otherwise have access to cookery classes.

We have projects available for disabled children, young carers, pupil premium children and many other groups. We believe that all children should have the chance to learn how to cook and how to look after their health through the food they eat regardless of ability, disability, gender, religion, race or financial position.

One area we are really passionate about is helping to tackle the issue of Holiday Hunger, where children on free school meals go without adequate food during the school holidays. We run grant funded, free holiday workshops for children in receipt of free school meals where they join us for full ‘food and fun’ sessions including breakfast, preparing and eating their own lunch and preparing something to take home for dinner for the whole family.

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To find out more about our grant funded projects please do get in touch via our contact page.